Friday, February 26, 2010

Did You Know?

Given the fact that technology information doubles every 2 years, half the information you learn in year 1 of college is outdated by year 3, China and India have huge populations that will need to be employed and that you are training for jobs that don't yet exist,
"What are the traits that you will need to succeed in this world? What will be important for you to know how to do? How can college better prepare you for this new reality?"

Really their is a simple answer to the above questions, we need to start earlier. Classes like CIS120 and even CIS131 and 125E need to be mandatory for high school graduation. By the time you get to college you need to be able to use applications like Office 2007. Some important traits that people are going to need to succeed in life are determination and flexibility. People need to be flexible, and be able to change with the changing world. Determination is also a very important trait, you have to have the will if you are going to make it out in the real world. The good thing about college, besides the education, is that it teaches you that their are deadlines. Also sometimes you have to do things you are not crazy about, like writing a paper on a subject you do not like. All in all though, whether you succeed in life is solely up to you. You as a person control your future.

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